Staff Handbook

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Staff Handbook

All staff should refer to this handbook when looking to punish rulebreakers, as well as to refer to when questioning your powers/peers. Staff are expected to attempt to show up to staff meetings when requested, contact a higher up when you believe you will be absent or are taking a break. All staff should inquire about all server related subjects to their higher ups(This refers a to a chain of command, as listed below). All staff should have knowledge with Awarn, bLogs, and ULX. It is recommended all staff bind separate keys for ULX menu, Awarn menu, and bLogs menu.

Chain of Command

D-MOD>T-Mod>Moderator>Admin>HeadAdmin>SuperAdmin>Co-Owner>Owner(DO NOT directly contact the owner unless stated.)


  • 1.Do not use any of the fun commands unless there is a moderation benefit
  • 2.Do not randomly kick/mute/gag/ban/warn players. Basically don't abuse your commands.
  • 3.Do not use special characters when issuing commands on players (*,^,@,etc.)
    4.Refrain from typing out commands in chat, instead use the ULX/Awarn menu as to not make a mistake.
    5.Refrain from using any staff commands when off-duty.
    6.Do not use staff commands on other staff members, regardless if it has no effect on them.


  • 7.Try to refrain from taking sits while there are other staff on duty while you are off duty, unless the staff member is busy or there are no members on duty.
  • 8.Do not abuse your title in order to get out of RP situations.
  • 9.Follow and enforce all rules equally and at all times.
    10.Punish players only if they report problems(unless someone is mass rdming and creating a public nuisance, or causing the server problems.)
    11.Do not target specific players or groups (hounding them, following them trying to get them banned/in trouble constantly).
    12.Do not cause drama between staff or players, and use the admin chat maturely.
    13.Act proper and adult in game chat and in general Discord chat, you want to appear as if you were staff and this were an actual job.
    14.Do not disrespect/harass fellow staff members or players, joking is one thing but being blatantly rude and upsetting another person is unecessary.
    15. Do Not no-clip randomly into players' bases unless they are suspected rule breakers.
    16.As a staff on duty you MAY NOT own printers, buildings, build, or roleplay for any reason.
    17.If you are not on duty, do not set your job to on duty(If you aren't taking sits and just flying around).
    18.Do not contest another staff member's status, higher-ups should be treated such as; this isn't a competitive scene, do not attempt to seem better than other staff
    19.DO NOT touch another players/staff members props/entities UNLESS they directly ask you to or it is for an administrative purpose(IF A STAFF MEMBER IS CAUGHT STEALING E2s THEY WILL BE DEMOTED)

Punishment Guidelines

  • 20.RDM - 1 Kill - Warn
  • RDM - 2 Kills - 12 hour ban
  • RDM - 3+ Kills - 2 week ban
    (If someone kills multiple people in a 24 hour time period, include it in the punishment phase, such as 3 total RDMs in one day as a week ban.)
    21.Micspam/Chatspam - Gag/Mute + warn
    22.FailRP/Minge - Instance 1 - Warn
    FailRP/Minge - Instance 2 - Warn + Kick
    FailRP/Minge - Instance 3 - Warn + 1 week ban
    23.Hacking/Cheating/Scripting - Permanent Ban
    24.15 Warns = 1 Week ban 
    30 Warns = 2 Week ban 
    50 Warns = Permanent ban
    Please contact a higher up before banning someone for warn thresholds.

    25.RDM - Random death match, randomly killing a player for no reason.
    26.FailRP/Minge - Not caring whether you die or not during something such as a mug, I.E. refusing to drop money and would rather die. Spamming fading doors, raiding as hobo, being a general ass and causing players grief.
    27.FearRP - Pulling a gun during a mug or any other time where a real like scenario would be too scary to risk it.

    ***Take some of these guidelines with a grain of salt, staff are welcome to use their best judgement in most cases with punishments, just don't overdo it. Failure to comply with these rules/guidelines can and will result in suspension/demotion, and in extreme cases a ban.


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General Rules

1.Do not RDM - Random Death Match(Killing players with no valid RP, CROSSFIRE is not a valid reason)
2.Do not break NLR - New Life Rule (Returning or remembering something of your past) NLR is 3 minutes.
3.Do not RP in spawn. (ex. Kidnapping, Mugging, and shooting people)
4.Do not place hits on staff
5.If a roleplay situation initiates outside of spawn then it is still active when going back into spawn.
6.Racism is NOT allowed/ Do not Disrespect staff
7.If asked, for some reason you are flaming to a overwhelming extent, and asked to stop. Please stop.
8.Flaming/Harassing a player/staff multiple times will result in punishment.
9.Don't abuse your tool gun in any way. (For example, do not put text screens on someone else's base)
10.Do not advertise links, other servers or communities.(This will lead to a perm ban)
11.Do not spam through your microphone or chat. (Hobos Can Mic Spam)
12.Do not evade or avoid punishment. This will increase your ban time.
13.Do not falsely report a player or staff. This could result in you getting a warning.
14.Do not hack, exploit or threaten any player out of RP(including giving out irl information). This will result in a permanent ban of your account.
15.Do not abuse exploits or loopholes. Report them to a staff member.
16.Do not prop abuse(Trapping/Blocking players, throwing props and using props to climb.)
17.Do not camera spam. (Example spam left click to make a blinking motion)
18.Do not impersonate players or staff. This will result in a warning and a name change.
19.Do not demote players while the staff is online.
20.You may not scam anyone for in-game money or real life money. (This includes adverts such as “Raid me for 10 mil.”)
21.You must advert warn 3 times with 3 seconds in between each warn before you kill someone.(Does not apply inside KOS lines)
22.You cannot warn players in the street unless they are threatening you, following you, waiting for you to drop something, or impeding on your personal space.
23.Do not break Fear RP. (killing yourself when getting kidnapped or getting mugged, If you're bound/blindfolded/gagged while being kidnapped you cannot escape, Pulling gun out to kill your mugger or kidnapper)
24.Do not use your body to block people from passing by unless you are a hobo.
25.Do not God Check staff on duty.
26.Do not use an alternate account to rejoin the server after being banned. This will result in an increase of your ban.
27.The spawn ends at the start of the three exits/tunnels.
28.You may not lock the first door of PD, you also may not make it kosable.
29.Staff decisions are final. If you have a problem, take it to the forums.
30.You must have a targetable name and do not mimic other people’s names.

                                                       Prop Rules:
31.Do not prop spam.
32.Do not prop block. (Purposely block players or block rooms without a keypad)
33.You cannot place props in other players bases.
34.Do not prop climb.
35.Do not prop abuse.
36.Do not build on/above the street even if you are a hobo(excludes megabases).

                                       Base Rules:

37.While building, you may not engage in any RP situations.
38.You may have oneway props as long its penetrable both ways.
39.Fading doors must stay open for at least 6 seconds.
40.All fading doors must have fully visible keypads that are next to the fading door it controls.
41.You can have a maximum of 5 fading doors. and 3 shooting hole fading doors.
42.You are allowed to build in dead end tunnels.
43.KOS lines are allowed and can only extend to the sidewalk outside your base.
44.You can not have a KOS sign against a certain job. 
45.Fake or useless keypads are not allowed.
46.You can block off extra entrances as long as there is one entrance to get in.
47.You may not megabase unless you have one party member per building , Bloodz & Cripz are allowed to megabase with one member per two buildings. (A megabase is when you connect bases)
48.You cannot build on roofs even if you own the entire building.
49.You cannot seal off public areas and claim them as yours. Even if your party has all the buildings owned.
50.No crouch bases are allowed.
51.No trap bases. (Setting a trap to make someone not able to escape/leave)
52.Prop mazes are not allowed there must be a clear path.
53.You can not have invisible/hard to see props.
54.You are not allowed to own printers or raidables and a building sign.
55.Your base must have a definitive front door.
56.You can not hide in no collided props.
57.Buttons may not be materialized and must be in plain sight. (THIS INCLUDES PROPS!). No troll size buttons, they must be a good size.
58.You may not have blackout bases. (A material used to make the whole base black so no one can see anything. This includes any color consisting with the color black.)
59.KOS Signs can't be flashing texts/switching to different texts.
60.If someone crosses your line, you can only kill them if you saw it in person, not because of a wire text screen setup.
61.Your megabase must be approved by a mod+ who is not currently in your megabase.
62.the suburbs may not be used to megabase.
63.If your base cannot be raided by PD then it's considered an illegal base.
64.Text screens must be visible to everyone which includes color and size must be atleast 40.
65.You cannot have initial delays on keypads.
66.Any structure that is in the air must have support beams.
67.Shooting holes must allow players to shoot back.
68.No Tube Bases!
69.You may not kill someone for "Loitering" on the road. They have to be on your property. I.E. sidewalk or inside your base.

                                                                        Raid Rules:

70.Do not edit, delete or change your base while being raided.
71.Do not use keybinds to a fading door while being raided.
72.Raids may only last up to 15 minutes, with the exception of the PD, which can last for 25 minutes.
73.You can not KOS people for getting near you. (unless they own the base) They must disturb the raid in some way before being killed. 
74.Do not raid the same base within 15 minutes of the previous raid.
75.Do not change your job during a raid.
76.After raiding one base you may not raid another for 10 minutes.
77.If you die while being raided, you may return to the raid after 5 minutes. (THIS IS MEANT FOR THE BASE OWNER)
78.Do not use props to glitch or climb your way into a base.
79.You may not raid bases or harass those with building signs.
80.You may not advert carjack 10 minutes after doing so.
81.You must be outside of the base to call raid/raid assist.
82.You cannot raid hobo bases.    

                                            Mug Rules:

83.The maximum mug amount is $5000.
84.You can not tell someone they can’t run away or fight back.
85.You must give someone a minimum of 10 seconds to drop money when you advert mug. Make them aware they are being mugged.
86.The cooldown for a mug is 5 minutes. 10 minutes for the same person.
87.You cannot mug hobos or someone AFK.

                                          Counter Rules:

88.All players may counter raids/mugs/kidnappings
89.All players can counter the bank/PD being raided.

                                         Expression 2 Rules:

90.E2s are to be used for building/RP purposes only. (Gun shops, advertisement signs, music, bases)
91.If a staff member asks you to remove an E2, Remove it!
92.Do not use E2s to save or reads private chats(PM, Adminchat)
93.Do not use E2 to alter your appearance.
94.Do not use E2s that follow you or other players.
95.Do not use E2s that allow you to teleport to players or entities.
96.Using e2 to find or steal other players printers/bitminers will result in e2 being disabled for all users for an hour. 
97.You may have smart opener E2s but must stay open for 6 seconds before closing.
97.Don't use E2s with over 1500+ OPs.
97.Don't use E2 Holograms that follow you or others
98.Using an E2 hologram to find players will result in a kick and warning.
99.Do not use E2s that allow you to move props.

                                                                Party Rules:

100.You may only avenge a party member at death if you were present(meaning you were there to see them die physically in game.)
101.You must advert assist in raids.
102.Party members still have to follow server rules. This includes what job can base with who.
103.You can not abuse someone. (As in chain mugging the same person a repeated number of times.)

                                      Vape Rules:

104.You may not use the vape to get inside a players base.
105.You may not use the vape during a raid.
106.You may not abuse the vape in any way or form.

                                                                                           Carjacking Rules:

107.You must /advert carjack, and can not carjack more than once every 15 minutes (20 minutes for the same person)
108.Do not randomly enter someone's vehicle and leave with it

                                                                                              PickPocket Rules:

109.You must /advert Pickpocket before you pickpocket someone.
110.You cannot pickpocket AFK players.
111.You may pickpocket the same person repeatedly if they are not AFK until they notice you.

                                             All rules are subject to change at any given moment.


  • Gun Dealer/Black Market Dealer.
  • 1. Gun Dealer/Black Market Dealers can buy one gun for self defense.
  • 2. Gun Dealer/Black Market Dealers must have a shop.
    3. Gun Dealer/Black Market Dealers cannot raid.
    4. Gun Dealer/Black Market Dealers cannot base with criminal classes.


  • Mayor.
  • 5. Mayor can enforce his own laws if there is no Civil protection on, warn people then KOS.
  • 6. Mayor can only use a pistol/SMG.
    7. Mayor cannot base.
    8. Mayor can build inside PD.
    9 Mayor's laws must follow all server rules.
    10. Mayor cannot have laws that KOS before AOS
    11. Mayor cannot make a law preventing someone from doing their job.
    12. Mayor has to have a reason for lockdown max lockdown time is 15 minutes.
    13. Mayor must see illegal items to warrant.
    14. Mayor can make road blocks/checkpoints for RP.


  • Civil Protection.
  • 15. Civil Protection must try to AOS before KOS unless shot first.
  • 16. Civil Protection must enforce all laws to the best of their ability.
    17. Civil Protection cannot base.
    18. Civil Protection can build inside PD.
    19. Do not random warrant/want.
    20. Civil Protection cannot be corrupt.
    21. Civil Protection must see illegal items to warrant.


  • Hobo
  • 22. Hobo cannot base.
  • 23. Hobo can only have a pistol for self defense.
    24.  Hobo can only build on sidewalks, parking lots unowned areas. (Example: Fountain area)
    25. Hobo cannot have printers.
    26. Hobo cannot mug, raid, or kidnap.


  • Hitman
  • 27. Can raid to kill hit and do nothing else.
  • 28. Can only kill target with building sign if they are outside their base.
    29. Cannot accept hit on the same person for 15 minutes.


  • Terrorist/Terrorist Leader.
  • 30. Can advert "Terror" and kill for 10 seconds.(this shares a global terror/holocaust/peace is over cooldown)
  • 31. Has a 15 minute cooldown between terrors.


  • Citizen..
  • 32. Citizen cannot Mug/Raid/Steal.
  • 33. Citizen cannot base with criminals.
    34. Citizen can carry a pistol.
    35. Citizen can counter.